*Con Williams

*Con Williams

Available Work

Artist's Statement

Speaking on todays' artist, Con reflects, "Hard work can make for a successful artist. A good artist shapes with his heart, gives his sculpture a voice... a good sculpture speaks long after the artist is gone.

Available Work


Con Williams grew up on a large working cow ranch in south-central British Columbia, Canada, so he spent much of his early life on horseback exploring God's country and experienced the true heritage of the west first-hand.  He has been sketching since he was a young cowboy.

Con attended Casper College and then Montana State University on rodeo scholarships. During college, he worked at a local foundry business, learned bronze casting, and gained an appreciation for creating bronze sculptures.  He achieved his degree in Agriculture Education then decided to stay in the Gallatin Valley of Montana to pursue a career in sculpting rather than in teaching. In a way, he had found his roots, since his great-great-grandfather homesteaded in Gallatin County.

Con continued to rodeo professionally, riding saddle broncs, team and calf roping and occasionally steer wrestling, until he turned his time and talents to full-time sculpting.

He currently resides in Banner, Wyoming with his wife, Sharon. Con's favorite things to do are hunting, fishing, golfing and spending as much time as he can with his family. Con and Sharon have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren. As a child, Con used to get up early so he could go fishing before church on Sunday. He loves to fly fish in the many creeks and rivers of Montana and Washington.

Con's work has been accepted into numerous juried exhibits and is in private collections throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.



Exhibits and Shows

